Exciting news from STA and map-lab

There is a time and a place for wild imaginings, but around here, we’re not just winging it. STA has integrated the brain trust of map-lab, an architectural laboratory. The collaborative power of STA + map-lab is designed to push the boundaries of architecture, interior design, and evidence-based research for the purpose of solving problems, initiating social progress, and humanizing environments.

The responsibility of design is advantaged when studios invest in research that interprets and translates new realities. Through the lens of public interest design, map-lab will inspire STA to think beyond, transcend niches, broaden capabilities, expand capacity, and democratize design that influences social progress and the human experience. The unification with map-lab marks STA’s 15th anniversary of connecting people, stories, and purpose to environments.

STA is owned by Felice Silverman, IIDA, interior designer and IIDA International President-Elect, and architect Thomas Trykowski, AIA, NCARB.  David Silverman, AIA, the founder of map-lab and Boston’s Urban Neighborhood Design Alliance, is now an STA principal.